Saturday, July 25, 2009


This was where I left Joshua this afternoon for his nap. And, yes, the crib was empty when I went to peek in on his cute sleeping face.
This is where I found Joshua. Asleep in his play tent using his keyboard as a pillow!

I always thought that when babies learn to crawl out of their cribs the parent hears the famed big bang of the child hitting the floor. Well, I was next door to his room the whole time and I tell you I heard nothing! The boy soundlessly scales down the side of his crib, apparently with an invisible belayer I am unaware of.


  1. I never did have an escape artist! I did have some monkeys climbing shelves and cabinets/counters, though. My kids were happy to stay in bed once they got there. Funny. Come to think of it, they're still that way.

  2. I never had a climber either. It's so funny that he is quiet and enjoys his freedom. Too cute.
