Friday, November 20, 2009

Eve has been a great tenant...

Even though it could still be another month before Eve gets her security deposit back, I am preparing for her arrival to be at any time now. My hospital bag is packed. Joshua's overnight bag is ready. There is even a pumpkin roll in the freezer at the ready for the Doylestown Hospital nurses. After all, there is no such thing as being too nice to the nurses who hold the power to make or break a hospital experience. I am keeping my fingers crossed for my own room...maybe I should include some cash in the pumpkin roll. Hmmmm.

In the spirit of this last month of pregnancy I am posting a link to Tiz Studios, where there is a small slide show of pregnancy pictures of me.

Seth and his siblings are all very talented in many ways. One of Liz' talents is photography. You'll have to just go to the link to see what I mean. She is able to capture so much in her photography and I am grateful she was able to take pictures of me when I was pregnant with Joshua. Thank you Liz!

At this point, I oscillate between being a little sad at the thought of Eve leaving the protective cavern of the womb and entering the big scary world, and being excited to finally meet her and learn of her personality.


  1. AWESOME pictures of your pregnancy. Personally, I'm excited to meet your beautiful daughter, but there is something sad about giving up that feeling of them moving in you.

  2. In case you haven't heard, we are also having a little girl! I can't wait to meet Eve next year :)
