Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hunting (Sitting and Waiting)

CAVEAT: Lindsay B. and others who are sensitive to animals PLEASE DON'T HATE US.

Seth, Brett Smith, Ben Smith
In our attempts to live within a food budget this year we decided to live off the land a bit. We are planning on killing a deer, taking it to the butcher for processing and then coming home with 3 cubic feet of meat for our freezer. Again, Lindsay, I am sorry.

Seth got his hunting license, which we obtained at the proverbial Walmart (after he took the required safety course).

Our friend Brett Smith has been coming over and hunting (sitting and waiting) since deer season started, the Monday after Thanksgiving.

So far, when they are hunting (sitting and waiting) the deer seem to be elsewhere. But, as soon as they stop hunting, the deer then come out in droves, walking across our driveway and all through the yard. Hopefully they will have more luck this week.

1 comment:

  1. That is so cool and a very good idea! I love venicine. If you have extra you should make some jerky, it makes a good snack :)
