Sunday, January 23, 2011


Seth said that while I was petting the dolphins I forgot that I had kids.  He was right: it reminded me of when I interned at Dolphin Human Therapy in Key Largo, Fl. and got to play with these guys every day.  I am really grateful to Seth for making sure our kids didn't fall into the water or run away while I was communing with flipper.

The dolphins show was really over the top with a large cast of performers, acrobats and a score that sounded like it was written by Andrew Lloyd Weber.  I kept waiting for the dolphins to come back out and perform.  

1 comment:

  1. OOOOh we used to have season passes and sit in the splash zone! It was a blast.
    We never did get used to the way the Calli people would dress for winter. It would make us roll our eyes! They have NO idea what cold it huh?
